Moving CVS server from sms192 box to smsjcvs box:
1. Get source files from sms192 into Source directory: (on cvs client machine)
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ pwd /home/hsual/SanDisk/Source hsual@PSGLTPE279$ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ env | grep CVSROOT CVSROOT=:ext:hsual@sms192:/opt/cvs hsual@PSGLTPE279$ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs export -D 2005-12-01 JavaBase ===> NOTE: -DUse the most recent revision no later than
date (ex: 2005-12-01. Today is 2005-11-19.) hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs export -D 2005-12-01 SMS hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs export -D 2005-12-01 WebSite hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs export -D 2005-12-01 SMSJ_Source
2. Change the name of the SMSJ_Source directory to SMSJ: (on cvs client machine)
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ mv SMSJ_Source SMSJ hsual@PSGLTPE279$
3. Change CVSROOT from @sms192 to @smsjcvs in .bash_profile: (on cvs client machine)
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cd hsual@PSGLTPE279$ more .bash_profile | grep CVSROOT CVSROOT=:ext:hsual@smsjcvs:/opt/cvs hsual@PSGLTPE279$ exit
4. Create a CVS repository on @smsjcvs box: (on cvs server machine)
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ ssh hsual@smsjcvs hsual@hp400v1$ cd / hsual@hp400v1$ mkdir -p opt/cvs hsual@hp400v1$ hsual@hp400v1$ cvs -d /opt/cvs init hsual@hp400v1$
5. Handling Binary files(Global): (on cvs client machine)
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ pwd /home/hsual/SanDisk/Source hsual@PSGLTPE279$ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs checkout CVSROOT cvs server: Updating CVSROOT U CVSROOT/checkoutlist U CVSROOT/commitinfo U CVSROOT/config U CVSROOT/cvswrappers U CVSROOT/editinfo U CVSROOT/loginfo U CVSROOT/modules U CVSROOT/notify U CVSROOT/rcsinfo U CVSROOT/taginfo U CVSROOT/verifymsg hsual@PSGLTPE279$ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cd CVSROOT hsual@PSGLTPE279$ ls CVS/ commitinfo cvswrappers loginfo notify taginfo checkoutlist config editinfo modules rcsinfo verifymsg hsual@PSGLTPE279$ more cvswrappers # This file affects handling of files based on their names. # # The -m option specifies whether CVS attempts to merge files. # # The -k option specifies keyword expansion (e.g. -kb for binary). # # Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers) # # wildcard [option value][option value]... # # where option is one of # -f from cvs filter value: path to filter # -t to cvs filter value: path to filter # -m update methodology value: MERGE or COPY # -k expansion mode value: b, o, kkv, &c # # and value is a single-quote delimited value. # For example: # Media files *.gif -k 'b' *.jpg -k 'b' *.png -k 'b' *.tga -k 'b' *.avi -k 'b' *.psd -k 'b' *.bmp -k 'b' *.ico -k 'b' *.mp3 -k 'b' *.ifs -k 'b' *.fnt -k 'b' *.ttf -k 'b' *.tif -k 'b' *.tiff -k 'b' # Visual Studio project files (can't be cvsmerged) *.dsp -k 'b' *.dsw -k 'b' # Visual Basic file types *.vbp -k 'b' *.cls -k 'b' *.frx -k 'b' *.frm -k 'b' # Office files *.doc -k 'b' *.xls -k 'b' *.vsd -k 'b' *.pdf -k 'b' # Binaries *.dll -k 'b' *.lib -k 'b' *.class -k 'b' *.exe -k 'b' *.obk -k 'b' *.vbx -k 'b' *.ocx -k 'b' *.oca -k 'b' *.bin -k 'b' *.xcf -k 'b' *.zip -k 'b' *.tar -k 'b' *.gz -k 'b' *.3ds -k 'b' *.Z -k 'b' *.jar -k 'b' *.war -k 'b' *.ear -k 'b' *.sar -k 'b' hsual@PSGLTPE279$ cvs commit -m "add file types" cvswrappers Checking in cvswrappers; /opt/cvs/CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v <-- cvswrappers new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done cvs server: Rebuilding administrative file database hsual@PSGLTPE279$
6. Import Modules to @smsjcvs box;
hsual@PSGLTPE279$ env | grep CVSROOT CVSROOT=:ext:hsual@smsjcvs:/opt/cvs OLDPWD=/home/hsual/SanDisk/Source/CVSROOT hsual@PSGLTPE279$ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ ls CVSROOT/ JavaBase/ SMS/ SMSJ/ WebSite/ $ cd JavaBase $ cvs import -m "Imported JavaBase Module" JavaBase AlHsu Initiate $ cd ../SMS $ cvs import -m "Imported SMS Module" SMS AlHsu Initiate $ cd ../SMSJ $ cvs import -m "Imported SMSJ Module" SMSJ AlHsu Initiate $ cd ../WebSite $ cvs import -m "Imported WebSite Module" WebSite AlHsu Initiate
7. Verify Checked in Module:
====> CVS SOURCE MACHINE <==== hsual@hp400v1$ pwd /opt/cvs hsual@hp400v1$ ls CVSROOT/ JavaBase/ SMS/ SMSJ/ WebSite/ hsual@hp400v1$ find JavaBase | wc 114 114 4739 hsual@hp400v1$ ====> CVS CLIENT MACHINE <==== hsual@PSGLTPE279$ pwd /home/hsual/SanDisk/Source hsual@PSGLTPE279$ ls CVSROOT/ JavaBase/ SMS/ SMSJ/ WebSite/ hsual@PSGLTPE279$ find JavaBase | wc 114 114 4551 hsual@PSGLTPE279$
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