Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Using Tag with WinCVS

Assign R-0-0-0 tag for new project Release 0.0.0

Step 1: Create -> Create a tag by module…

Step 2: On Create tag settings window: Enter the tag name and which module to tag “R-0-0-0” into the New tag name field. Enter “CVSBranchTest” into Module to tag field. -> Click OK


1. Tag must start with a letter.
cvs rtag 0.0.0 CVSBranchTest
cvs [rtag aborted]: tag `0.0.0' must start with a letter

2. Tag must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
cvs rtag R.0.0.0 CVSBranchTest
cvs [rtag aborted]: tag `R.0.0.0' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'

Step 3: Check status of the source file: Right click on file3.txt -> Select “Status selection” option

Step 4: Verify “R-0-0-0” tag displayed under Existing Tags:
cvs -z9 status -v file3.txt (in directory C:\cygwin\home\hsual\alhsu\AlHome\CVSBranchTest\)
File: file3.txt        Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:
   Repository revision:       /opt/cvs/CVSBranchTest/file3.txt,v
   Sticky Tag:          R-0-0-0 (revision:
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

   Existing Tags:
   R-0-0-0                    (revision:
   INITIAL                    (revision:
   ALHSU                      (branch: 1.1.1)

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Assign R-0-1-0 tag for CVSBranchTest project Release 0.1.0

Step 1: Following the same steps of "Assign R-0-0-0 tag for new project Release 0.0.0" to create R-0-1-0 from CVSBranchMain directory, and then following "Checkout Initial Release Module" to checkout CVSBranchTest into CVSBranchR010 directory.

Step 2: Verify R-0-1-0 checkout.

Remove a tag from module

Suppose we are going to delete R-0-1-1 tag on CVSBranchTest module. Follow the steps below via WinCVS 1.2.

Step 1: Create -> Delete a tag by module …

Step 2: On Delete tag settings windows:
Enter “R-0-1-1” in Delete tag name field -> Enter “CVSBranchTest” into Module to untag field. -> Click on OK button.

Step 3: Verify Result: Note that the R-0-1-1 tag is removed from Graph selection window.
Click on “CVSBranchMain” folder -> Right click on file1.txt file -> Select “Graphic selection…” option -> On Log settings windows, click on OK button.
cvs -z9 rtag -d R-0-1-1 CVSBranchTest

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

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