Get the strings you need from a file, sort the strings, and then save it into another file.
cat 10000ACRB_wm_pdf.xsl | sed 's/RefID/RefID\n/' | grep RefType | sed 's/.*RefType/RefType/' | sed 's/RefType=./RT_/' | sed 's/.].*//' | sort | tee ACRB_RefTypes.txt
Read the new file line by line and then add strings you need.
while read line do if echo ${line} | grep -q ${preline} then equal=${line} else preline=${line} echo ${line} fi done < ./ACRB_RefTypes.txt | sed 's/RT_//' | awk '{print "Map(XPath(\"/PmtRec/*s/RefInfo/*s/RefID\"), XPath(\"/DocMap/*s/ACRB_RefTypes/*s/RT_" $0 "\"), [], \"" $0 "\")," }'